MATRIKS / MATRIKS SAMA (Matrices / Equal Matrices)
Susunan matriks (order of matrix )
PENAMBAHAN DAN PENOLAKAN MATRIKS (Addition and Subtration of matrices)
Pendaraban Skalar (Scalar multiplication)
PENDARABAN DUA MATRIKS (Multiplication of two matrices)
MATRIKS IDENTITI (Identity Matrices), I
MATRIKS SONGSANG (Inverse matrices), A-1
tidak mempunyai songsang
PENYELESAIAN MASALAH (Solve simultabeous linear equations using matrices)
Rujuk Kaedah Penyelesaian masalah Persamaan Linear Serentak
Learns Mathematics Matrices Video
Kandungan Nota Ringkas Matematik SPM [Klik Disini]
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih :)
ReplyDeleteTqvm for this wonderful notes...